Discharged from ED services!

So today I saw my nurse who I have been meeting with for the past year for the last time and I am now discharged from the eating disorder services! I have such mixed feelings!Part of me is proud and happy to have found my own recovery in such a short space of time.But I …

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A Sunday well spent!

Sunday was a pretty awesome day!I met up with a group of people to do acro yoga in the morning! I already knew a few but some were new to me and I love meeting new people!Its quite a strange feeling to put your trust into someone you do not know. At first I was …

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The world is spinning,

The world is spinning, As you are counting,weighing,killing Time. Outside kids are playing in the street, Jumping,laughing,rushing Around. you are binging,purging,flushing out, Trying to not make a sound. friends are moving out, friends are growing up. They are growing,blossoming,becomming, You are shrinking,thinning,shunning, The opportunity of a life. They are thriving You,only surviving. Friends are partying,dancing,singing, …

Continue reading The world is spinning,

Leaving behind Eating Disorder memories

Throughout recovery it can be hard to deal with the thought of letting go off you eating disorder. I can also be hard to cope with the memories or experiences you had throughout relapse. You may be filled with,guilt,anxieties,regrets or even a longing to return back to your old ways. Looking back or thinking back to …

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Let the space between where you are and where you want to be inspire you

When you compare where you are at the moment in life to where you want to be in the future the space between the two can be quite big. The space can be discouraging and terrifying. The space may be filled with fears and self doubt.So how do we make the space between where we are and …

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