Reclaiming running

Hi everyone, It has been so long since I have written, I guess I have been busy living life and I don’t really feel the need the blog as much as I used to. In general things are going so well at the moment, the last few weeks have been some of my most happiest …

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Helping someone with mental health struggles

It is very difficult to know just how to support someone with mental health struggles.What works for one person may not work for another.Everyone copes in different ways but there are some general things I think you do to try and help.Arguably the most difficult part of seeing someone struggle is not knowing how to …

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The challenges of being an athlete after having had an eating disorder

One of my biggest motivations to recover aside from for my parents and do go to university to study Nursing was to be able to run again.To run and exercise without being scared of fainting, without feeling guilty on days when I didn't, without being worried about the damage I was doing exercising in a …

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Stoping negative patterns of behaviour and abandoning all or nothing thinking.

I am definitely someone who thinks and acts in an all or nothing way...I am either extremely motivated and go for something 100% or I want to give up completely.A lot of the time If I make a mistake or something does not quite go to plan I think "oh it's ruined now,may as-well give …

Continue reading Stoping negative patterns of behaviour and abandoning all or nothing thinking.